SCSI: DB-25 Serial Ports: 2 Sound Output: stereo 16 bit. ADB: 1 Ethernet: AAUI, 10baseT Machine Gestalt ID: 108 PRAM Battery: 3.6V lithium (Maxell ER3S, Radio Shack 23-026) Minutiae: Upgraded with one DIMM at a time. Using EDO memory in the 7200 series of computers can cause damage to the logic board and to the DIMMs. Accelerate performance with a Newer Technology 256KB or 1MB Cache DIMM, part # 7CC256B or 7CC1MB. Ships with a minimum of 8MB of RAM installed. Has the Apple Pentium PDS card. The card requires no memory, but can accept a single 8, 16, 32, or 64 MB DIMM. DIMM should be 5 volt, 60ns. Can accept either EDO or FPM DIMMs. Serial Port with the phone icon supports synchronous modems, with handshaking on both output and input supported. Has 4MB ROM and a 1.44MB SuperDrive.